Rules for staying in the apartment

Terms of the lease agreement
Please read the terms and conditions of the lease agreement carefully. Be sure to ask if anything remains unclear. We will be happy to answer any questions! As a rule, the lease agreement is signed electronically

Term of the contract
The contract is concluded for a certain period, it is valid for one (1) month from the date of transfer of the apartment. After the expiration of the initial term, the contract automatically becomes permanent.
If desired, the contract can be terminated upon expiration of the initial term, the other party must be notified of this at least two (2) days before the expiration of the term. Termination of the contract at the request of the Tenant
After one (1) month, the client can terminate the contract by notifying at least two (2) days in advance.

Transfer of the apartment
When transferring the apartment, you must have an identity document (ID card or passport) with you.
Subletting apartments without the consent of the tenant is not permitted (including Airbnb).
Security Deposit
The deposit is included in the fixed price of the apartment.

Frequently asked questions
We welcome pets that know how to behave well
The owner is responsible for his pet, and should also ensure that the animal does not disturb the neighbors
When keeping pets, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the Rules for Keeping Cats and Dogs in the City of Riga

Connecting to the Internet and TV
In the house, Internet and television services are provided by tet
this is also included in the fixed price of the apartment
For other questions, you can write to us using our contact information